Saturday, May 31, 2014

Battlefield 3 rant

This is just a short rant about Battlefield 3. Not about the game, but about how hard it is to actually get to play it.
I picked it up as a the giveaway from Origin. I had not noticed myself, but picked up the news about the offer from some blog. My bad for not remembering the link :-(.
This is were the fun started. First Origin was required. I already had it installed from the Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age II days, but otherwise I would have to install this piece of ... software from scratch. But I was greeted with an update, which was not any better. Why is it that after every update I have to enter my details again to log in? Steam manages updates without the need for the user to log in back into a software that is mainly used to play single-player games on a local machine.
When I finally found the well-hidden offer I commenced the download, but that was taking ages. It was certainly not my end of the connection that was slow. EA should really invest into their servers and make sure that their upload can match players' download speeds. I do not like having to wait all night for a game to finish downloading. At least the install went without problems.
But then the insult happened: A game developed for EA, distributed by EA's Origin platform, opened a browser window and demanded from me that I download a plugin to play the game. I do not want to go via my browser just to play a shooter! This only introduces security issues into the browser that do absolutely not be there. Why did they not implement the game activation and multiplayer matches with that piece of cr*p Origin? Why force everyone to install Origin as means for DRM control if EA is not actually using it for their own games? Why on earth do they want me to run a browser in the background? Even worse, I am not interested in the multiplayer, I just want to play the campaign on some quiet evenings!

EA, you have seriously fucked up!

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